Recognition::Matrix Class Reference

#include <Matrix.h>

Public Member Functions

 Matrix (PointList &)
 create a 2D Matrix based upon a list of points
void delEntry (int x)
 delete the correspoding rows and columns and update sum
mNodegOrigin ()
 get origin, dangerous--set to be eliminated in future revisions
double sum ()
 return sum of entire matrix
double sum (int)
 sum of a column specified
double sum (mNode *)
double averageMinCol ()
mNodegetColStart (int index)
int countRows ()
int countCol ()

Detailed Description

class for easily deleting rows/columns and summing all values basically a double linked 2D array used to reduce a set of individual points to a probable subset via incremental evaluation

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Data Structures Namespaces Functions Variables Typedefs

Generated on 22 Sep 2009 for Cali Cam by  doxygen 1.6.1