Recognition::PointList Class Reference

#include <PointList.h>

Public Member Functions

NodegHead ()
 dangerous, will be removed in future revisions
void removeDoubles ()
 remove entries which hold the same image (x,y) position
void add (float imgx, float imgy, int gridx=-1, int gridy=-1)
 adds creates and adds node to the front
void del ()
 delete current
void del (Node *target)
 delete referenced node from list
Pointnext ()
Pointcurrent ()
void reset ()
 reset current pointer to begining
int size ()
Nodeclosest (Point &p, double limit)
PointListoperator= (PointList &that)
void print ()

Detailed Description

double linked list might replaced with STL provides non-standard remove double entries

Member Function Documentation

Node* Recognition::PointList::closest ( Point p,
double  limit 
) [inline]
closest node (euclidian distance) to p if within limit
Point* Recognition::PointList::current (  )  [inline]
data of referenced node
Point* Recognition::PointList::next (  )  [inline]

increments list pointer_data

data of referenced node
int Recognition::PointList::size (  )  [inline]
size of list

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Data Structures Namespaces Functions Variables Typedefs

Generated on 22 Sep 2009 for Cali Cam by  doxygen 1.6.1