Calibration::Step2 Class Reference

#include <Step2.h>

Public Member Functions

 Step2 (Step1 **z, int count)
Array2D< double > project (int)
 projects the model points into image coordinates according to the indicated rotation matrix and translation vector
void printTests ()
 outputs to stdout variables and error amounts
void outA (char **text)
 stores A into multi-line cstring text
void outPics (char **text)
 stores all Rotation Matices and Tranlation vectors into multi-line cstring text
void getA (Array2D< double > &A)
 returns copy of A, the camera intrisic parameters
void getK (double &k1, double &k2)
 returns distortion variables


class Step3

Detailed Description

class for calculating camera intrinsic variables

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Step2::Step2 ( Step1 **  z,
int  count 

Constructor assumes that all Step1's have been initialized and have the same dimensions

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Data Structures Namespaces Functions Variables Typedefs

Generated on 22 Sep 2009 for Cali Cam by  doxygen 1.6.1