Calibration::Step1 Class Reference

#include <Step1.h>

Public Member Functions

void createRfromW ()
 set the rotation matrix according to w
void updateRt ()
 update Rt with values from R and t
 Step1 (Array2D< double > &M, Array2D< double > &m, const char *name)
void getInfo (string &total)
void updatePoints (Array2D< double > &m)

Data Fields

Array2D< double > R
 3x3 rotation Matrix, not necessarily up-to-date
Array2D< double > Rt
 3x3 rotation & translation Matrix (z column replaced with t), not necessarily up-to-date
Array1D< double > t
 translation vector
Array2D< double > H
 3x3 homography
char name [500]
 stored image name


class Step2

Detailed Description

class used to calculate a simple homography between a set of model coordinates and a set of image coordinates. Given the camera intrinsic variables, the rotation matrix and translation vector can also be calculated

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Calibration::Step1::Step1 ( Array2D< double > &  M,
Array2D< double > &  m,
const char *  name 
) [inline]

Constructor, all parameters are copied to internal data structures

M is an ordered list of points corrisponding to absolute model coordinates
m is an ordered list of image points corrisponding to the relative model coordinates
name is the file name for later identification

Member Function Documentation

void Calibration::Step1::getInfo ( string &  total  )  [inline]

Outputs the calculated values into a string Assumes that R has not been updated

total stores the multi-line output of the calculated values (R and t)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Data Structures Namespaces Functions Variables Typedefs

Generated on 22 Sep 2009 for Cali Cam by  doxygen 1.6.1