TNT::Matrix< T > Class Template Reference

#include <tnt_matrix.h>

Public Types

typedef Subscript size_type
typedef T value_type
typedef T element_type
typedef T * pointer
typedef T * iterator
typedef T & reference
typedef const T * const_iterator
typedef const T & const_reference

Public Member Functions

Subscript lbound () const
 operator T ** ()
 operator const T ** () const
Subscript size () const
 Matrix (const Matrix< T > &A)
 Matrix (Subscript M, Subscript N, const T &value=T(0))
 Matrix (Subscript M, Subscript N, const T *v)
 Matrix (Subscript M, Subscript N, const char *s)
Matrix< T > & newsize (Subscript M, Subscript N)
Matrix< T > & operator= (const Matrix< T > &B)
Matrix< T > & operator= (const T &scalar)
Subscript dim (Subscript d) const
Subscript num_rows () const
Subscript num_cols () const
T * operator[] (Subscript i)
const T * operator[] (Subscript i) const
reference operator() (Subscript i)
const_reference operator() (Subscript i) const
reference operator() (Subscript i, Subscript j)
const_reference operator() (Subscript i, Subscript j) const
Vector< T > diag () const
Matrix< T > upper_triangular () const
Matrix< T > lower_triangular () const

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class TNT::Matrix< T >

Dense matrix class for basic linear algebra operations.

Ordering: row major.

Elements begin at (1,1) or [0][0].

Can be interfaced with C multidimentionsal arrays (e.g. double **)

copy-by-value semantics.

Optional range checking at compile time via TNT_BOUNDS_CHECK macro.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T>
TNT::Matrix< T >::Matrix ( Subscript  M,
Subscript  N,
const T &  value = T(0) 
) [inline]

Create a MxN matrix, with each element assigned to the value 0.

M the number of rows
N the number of columns
value (optional default value: 0 if not specified.
template<class T>
TNT::Matrix< T >::Matrix ( Subscript  M,
Subscript  N,
const T *  v 
) [inline]

Create an MxN matrix, filling in values (row-major order) from

the list (C array) provided.

M the number of rows
N the number of columns
v list (C array) of M*N values used to initialize matrix.
template<class T>
TNT::Matrix< T >::Matrix ( Subscript  M,
Subscript  N,
const char *  s 
) [inline]

Create an MxN matrix, filling in values (row-major order) from

a character string.

M the number of rows
N the number of columns
s string of M*N values used to initialize matrix.

Member Function Documentation

template<class T>
Matrix<T>& TNT::Matrix< T >::newsize ( Subscript  M,
Subscript  N 
) [inline]

Change size of matrix to MxN, reallocating memory if necessary.

NOTE: This operations occurs in place, i.e. when resizing to

a new matrix, original matrix elements

are NOT retained. Instead, one must explicit create

a new matrix of this size and manually copy the elements, e.g.

				Matrix double B(M, N);
				int 	min_M = M < A.num_rows() ? M : A.num_rows();
				int 	min_N = N < A.num_cols() ? N : A.num_cols();
				for (int i=1; i<=min_M; i++)
					for (int j=1; j<=min_N; j++)
						B(i,j) = A(i,j);
M the number of rows of new size.
N the number of columns of new size.
template<class T>
Matrix<T>& TNT::Matrix< T >::operator= ( const Matrix< T > &  B  )  [inline]

Assign (copy) one matrix to another, e.g. A=B. The

contents of A are lost, and a new copy of B is created.

B to matrix to be copied.
template<class T>
Subscript TNT::Matrix< T >::size (  )  const [inline]
the total number of items in matrix (M*N).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
 All Data Structures Namespaces Functions Variables Typedefs

Generated on 22 Sep 2009 for Cali Cam by  doxygen 1.6.1